"My first experience with yoga wasn’t the greatest. I was intimidated by the very flexible, thin, women in the class at the time and embarrassed by my own limitations. I almost didn’t try it again. But then I did a class with Shanell (Shantidevi) and everything changed for me. Shanell is a wonderful teacher. She is also extremely knowledgeable in her lineage and freely shares this knowledge with us. I always feel so supported during our practice and after class I am refreshed, more grounded, and more peaceful. I look forward to her class each week. " – Carla Richardson
WEEKLY GROUP CLASSESSundays | 10.30am - 11.30am
Community Grace & Flow Yoga Spirithouse, 65 Middle Road, Devonshire Fee: $20 per person | No registration - Just drop in! Class resumes Jan 26th! Tuesdays | 5.30pm - 6.30pm Rest and Ease with Shanti Treehouse, 12 Trott Road, Hamilton Fee: $20 drop in or membership packs available. Sign up at Thursdays | 7.00am - 8.00am Just Yoga with Shanti Treehouse, 12 Trott Road, Hamilton Fee: $20 drop in or membership packs available Sign up at PRIVATE CLASSESTreehouse 12 Trott Road, Hamilton
Private Class Bookings | email: [email protected] Fee: $95 per hour for one person | $170 for couples MEDITATIONPeaceful Minds Group Meditation (on hold)
Fridays | 6.00pm - 6.45pm |
"Shanell's Sunday morning yoga class recalibrates all aspects of my being ensuring a balanced and harmonious start to the week. It's the anchor & the compass my spirit needs to remember what's truly important. Shanell invites you to relax and breathe; to move and explore within a safe environment yet encourages you to move out of your comfort zone while feeling fully supported by her wisdom and knowledge. Love, love, love the yoga experience Shanell facilitates through the beautiful music she selects, the energy she exudes and attracts and the aftereffects of the class. I only wish I had the time to attend all of her yoga classes. Deepest blessings and gratitude to you, Shanell." - Trish Alexander
HUMBLE BEGINNINGS WITH SIVANANDAMY YOGA LINEAGESivananda Yoga is a style of classical Hatha Yoga named after one of the greatest Yogis in modern Indian history, Swami Sivananda Saraswati (1887 - 1963). Swamiji was a Hindu spiritual teacher and master of Yoga and Vedanta (non-dualistic philosophy). He was not only revered as an enlightened being, but he was a highly respected medical doctor in India and Malaysia who gave of his skills and knowledge selflessly.
The philosophy that he instilled in his students and which has become the motto for his many Yoga ashrams around the world is: Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Meditate, Realise |
"I always feel amazing after taking your classes and was thinking about what makes your classes so great. I think you have a beautiful teaching voice, it is powerful and calming at the same time. I also love the sequence of your classes how we do a lot of movement in the beginning and have a midway savasana, and how you emphasize the constant breath to movement connection."- Lauren Frisbie
Shanell (Shanti Devi) E-RYT-500hrs has been a registered member of the International Yoga Alliance since 2010. She was initiated into the Sivananda Yoga Teaching tradition after extensive training and is continually furthering her knowledge through courses and study of this ancient practice. Sivananda Yoga is Hatha Yoga, a classical Yoga style that is founded on a moral code of doing no harm (ahimsa), and includes physical postures, breathing exercises, mantra chanting, self-study and meditation to help individuals progress to the ultimate goal of Self-realisation. Each class begins and ends with guided relaxation or meditation.
PEACE WITH PRISON YOGA PROGRAMMEPRISON YOGAThe "Peace Within Prison Yoga Programme" introduces yoga to Bermuda's incarcerated men and women. The inspiration for this project came from a desire to make yoga accessible to people who might not ordinarily consider trying yoga or have access to a yoga studio. But, I believe that yoga is for everyone because I believe that freedom is for everyone - freedom from the ego, fear, addiction, depression and suffering. Yoga is one path that can light the way towards greater peace, harmony, balance and health. It guides us in ways to transcend the perceived limitations of the body and the ego, helps us to better understand ourselves and develop impulse control, as well as prepares the mind for the deepest level of awakening ("samadhi"). Through yoga we develop the ability to self regulate and gain greater awareness of our underlying thoughts and emotions. The Peace Within Prison Yoga Programme was launched in January 2018 with the collaborative support of the Bermuda Department of Corrections and the Ministry of Youth, Sport & Recreation. Click the 'Learn More' button below to read more about the programme.
"Each one you see in light brings your light closer to your awareness.
Love always leads to love." (A Course in Miracles)
"To awaken spiritual unity and to spread to others the love
that is our inherent nature is the true goal of human life."
that is our inherent nature is the true goal of human life."